Sunday, September 6, 2009

Saving Money

I have decided that I am going to make myself start shopping smarter at the grocery store. I have printed out some coupons online and am going to the store tomorrow with a strict list and a strict budget. I really need to cut corners where I can and I think it is time that I start with the groceries. I read somewhere that if you treat coupons as makes a big difference. I can see that.....I know that if I stick with it, I can definitely do this. I am definitely cooking and baking a lot more to avoid expensive fast food! It also helps that some friends gave us fresh produce from their garden. This economy has definitely affected all of us and it is time that I trim the fat from our food budget. Any other ideas???


  1. Buy bulk of say groud beef and make a huge pot of chili ( this is just an example ) then freeze portions.

    I used to have a bake day when my kids were at home ~ I found we ate better and food went further too.

    Hope this helps Jenna x

  2. Thanks Jenna!!

    Those are great ideas
